產品型號: SER-WB

*All samples are collected in FDA licensed facility and pathogen tested according to FDA guidelines for the following: HBsAG, Anti-HCV, Anti-HIV-1/2, HIV-1 RNA, HBV DNA, HCV RNA, Syphilis.*

  • Human Serum
  • Recovered Plasma
  • Source Plasma
  • Whole Blood
  • Red Blood Cells
  • Leukocytes (Buffy Coats)
  • Platelet Rich Plasma
  • Platelet Concentrates


Item# Item Desc U/M
Blood Tube Sizes

K2EDTA 10ml draw                      K3EDTA, 7ml draw

ACD, 8.5ml draw                          Sodium Citrate, 4.5ml draw

Sodium Heparin, 10ml draw          Lithium Heparin

EZPREP-10 EZPREP Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell Isolation Kit (can process up to 100ml of blood).+ Includes EZPREP Tubes and Reagents Kit
EZPREP-BULK EZPREP Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell Isolation TUBES ONLY, Pack of 25 Kit
SER-WB10ML-SDS Human Whole Blood, FRESH (Collect/Ship same day, Testing Pending-requires signed waiver on file-contact us for more details). Volume varies based on anticoagulant Single Tube
SER-WB10ML Human Whole Blood, Volume varies based on anticoagulant, Fresh(Shipped after testing complete) Single Tube
SER-WB-SDS Human Whole Blood, Fresh, UNIT (Collect/Ship same day, Testing Pending-requires signed waiver on file-contact us for more details) ~450ml
SER-WB Human Whole Blood, UNIT, (Shipped after testing complete) ~450ml
SER-WB-PAXRNA Human Whole Blood, SINGLE PAXGENE RNA Tube Single Tube
SER-LDWB-SDS Human Leukocyte Depleted Whole Blood-UNIT, (Collect/Ship same day, Testing Pending-requires signed waiver on file-contact us for more details) ~400ml
SER-LDWB Human Leukocyte Depleted Whole Blood-UNIT, (Shipped after testing complete) ~400ml
SER-CB Human Cord Blood, FRESH, in CPD-UNIT (volume varies per unit) ~60-125ml
DIL-1 Blood Diluent, 1L 1000ml
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