*All samples are collected in FDA licensed facility and pathogen tested according to FDA guidelines for the following: HBsAG, Anti-HCV, Anti-HIV-1/2, HIV-1 RNA, HBV DNA, HCV RNA, Syphilis.*
- Human Serum
- Recovered Plasma
- Source Plasma
- Whole Blood
- Red Blood Cells
- Leukocytes (Buffy Coats)
- Platelet Rich Plasma
- Platelet Concentrates
Packed Red Blood Cells:
- Sized for MCV
- 48-hour turnaround
- Negative for HBsAg, HIV 1-2, HCV and RPR
- Blood group specific
- Gender, age, or ethnicity specific
- Fresh
Item# | Item Desc | U/M |
SER-10MLRBC-SDS | Human Erythrocytes (RBCs), (Collect/Ship same day, Testing Pending-requires signed waiver on file-contact us for more details) | 10ml |
SER-10MLRBC | Human Erythrocytes (RBCs), (Shipped after testing complete) | 10ml |
SER-PRBC-SDS | Human Erythrocytes (RBCs), PACKED Cells, (Collect/Ship same day, Testing Pending-requires signed waiver on file-contact us for more details) | 250ml |
SER-PRBC | Human Erythrocytes, (RBCs), PACKED Cells, (Shipped after testing complete) | 250ml |
SER-PRBC-W-SDS | Human Erythrocytes (RBCs)-PACKED & WASHED, (Collect/Ship same day, Testing Pending-requires signed waiver on file-contact us for more details) (The packed red blood cells are injected with an equal volume of sterile saline… gently mixed, re-centrifuged, and saline removed.) | 250ml |
SER-PRBC-W | Human Erythrocytes, (RBCs) PACKED & WASHED Cells, (Shipped after testing complete).+ The packed red blood cells are injected with an equal volume of sterile saline… gently mixed, re-centrifuged, and saline removed. | 250ml |
SER-PRBC-CPD-SDS | Human Erythrocytes (RBCs), PACKED Cells, per UNIT in CPD, (Collect/Ship same day, Testing Pending-requires signed waiver on file-contact us for more details) | 250ml |
SER-PRBC-CPD | Human Erythrocytes (RBCs), PACKED Cells, per UNIT in CPD (Shipped after testing complete) | 250ml |
SER-PRBC-AS | Human Erythrocytes (RBCs), PACKED Cells, per UNIT, SICKLE Trait Positive Donor | 250ml |
SER-PRBC-EXP | Human Erythrocytes (RBCs), PACKED Cells, EXPIRED | 250ml |
SER-LDRBC-SDS | Human Leukocyte Depleted Erythrocytes (RBCs), Collected/Shipped on same day | 250ml |
SER-LDRBC | Human Leukocyte Depleted Erythrocytes (RBCs), (Shipped after testing complete) | 250ml |
SER-LRBC-W-SDS | Human Leukocyte Depleted Erythrocytes (RBCs) and WASHED, 250-300ml.+ Collected/Shipped on same day | 250ml |
SER-LRBC-W | Human Leukocyte Depleted Erythrocytes (RBCs) and WASHED, 250-300ml. (Shipped after testing complete) | 250ml |
RBCL-1 | Red Blood Cell LYSIS BUFFER 1X, 1L | 1000ml |
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